diff options
authorNick White <>2022-02-14 16:32:16 +0000
committerNick White <>2022-02-14 16:32:16 +0000
commit58288c063a43d14bd041cd2b18430ef7e8829a0e (patch)
parentad48f7c1fcfb31a69fa2d6d8065cceb1a6c46ee0 (diff)
rescribe: Add gui elements for getgbook integration (wip)
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/rescribe/gui.go b/cmd/rescribe/gui.go
index 8bbb3f5..b8449b5 100644
--- a/cmd/rescribe/gui.go
+++ b/cmd/rescribe/gui.go
@@ -40,6 +40,33 @@ var trainingNames = map[string]string{
"rescribev8_fast": "Latin (early printing)",
+// getBookIdFromUrl returns a 12 character Google Book ID from
+// a Google URL, or an error if one can't be found.
+func getBookIdFromUrl(url string) (string, error) {
+ lurl := strings.ToLower(url)
+ if len(url) == 12 && !strings.ContainsAny(url, "?/:") {
+ return url, nil
+ }
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(lurl, "") {
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("Not a Google Books URL")
+ }
+ start := strings.Index(lurl, "?id=")
+ if start == -1 {
+ start = strings.Index(lurl, "&id=")
+ }
+ if start >= 0 {
+ start += 4
+ if len(url[start:]) < 12 {
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find book ID in URL")
+ }
+ return url[start:start+12], nil
+ }
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find book ID in URL")
// copyStdoutToChan creates a pipe to copy anything written
// to the file also to a rune channel.
func copyStdoutToChan() (chan rune, error) {
@@ -231,12 +258,13 @@ func startGui(log log.Logger, cmd string, training string, tessdir string) error
folderBtn := widget.NewButtonWithIcon("Choose folder", theme.FolderOpenIcon(), func() {
d := dialog.NewFolderOpen(func(uri fyne.ListableURI, err error) {
- if err == nil && uri != nil {
- dir.SetText(uri.Path())
- dirIcon.SetResource(theme.FolderIcon())
- myWindow.SetContent(fullContent)
- gobtn.Enable()
+ if err != nil || uri == nil {
+ return
+ dir.SetText(uri.Path())
+ dirIcon.SetResource(theme.FolderIcon())
+ myWindow.SetContent(fullContent)
+ gobtn.Enable()
}, myWindow)
d.Resize(fyne.NewSize(740, 600))
@@ -244,13 +272,14 @@ func startGui(log log.Logger, cmd string, training string, tessdir string) error
pdfBtn := widget.NewButtonWithIcon("Choose PDF", theme.DocumentIcon(), func() {
d := dialog.NewFileOpen(func(uri fyne.URIReadCloser, err error) {
- if err == nil && uri != nil {
- uri.Close()
- dir.SetText(uri.URI().Path())
- dirIcon.SetResource(theme.DocumentIcon())
- myWindow.SetContent(fullContent)
- gobtn.Enable()
+ if err != nil || uri == nil {
+ return
+ uri.Close()
+ dir.SetText(uri.URI().Path())
+ dirIcon.SetResource(theme.DocumentIcon())
+ myWindow.SetContent(fullContent)
+ gobtn.Enable()
}, myWindow)
d.Resize(fyne.NewSize(740, 600))
@@ -258,7 +287,53 @@ func startGui(log log.Logger, cmd string, training string, tessdir string) error
gbookBtn := widget.NewButtonWithIcon("Get Google Book", theme.SearchIcon(), func() {
- // TODO
+ dirEntry := widget.NewEntry()
+ bookId := widget.NewEntry()
+ homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
+ if err == nil {
+ dirEntry.SetText(homeDir)
+ }
+ dirEntry.Validator = func(s string) error {
+ if s == "" {
+ return fmt.Errorf("No save directory set")
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ dirBtn := widget.NewButtonWithIcon("Browse", theme.FolderIcon(), func() {
+ d := dialog.NewFolderOpen(func(uri fyne.ListableURI, err error) {
+ if err != nil || uri == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ dirEntry.SetText(uri.Path())
+ }, myWindow)
+ d.Resize(fyne.NewSize(740, 600))
+ d.Show()
+ })
+ bookId.Validator = func(s string) error {
+ _, err := getBookIdFromUrl(s)
+ return err
+ }
+ f1 := widget.NewFormItem("Book ID / URL", bookId)
+ saveDir := container.New(layout.NewBorderLayout(nil, nil, nil, dirBtn), dirEntry, dirBtn)
+ f2 := widget.NewFormItem("Save Directory", saveDir)
+ d := dialog.NewForm("Enter Google Book ID or URL", "OK", "Cancel", []*widget.FormItem{f1, f2}, func(b bool) {
+ if b != true {
+ return
+ }
+ id, err := getBookIdFromUrl(bookId.Text)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if dirEntry.Text == "" {
+ dirEntry.SetText(homeDir)
+ }
+ dir.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Google Book: %s Savedir: %s", id, dirEntry.Text))
+ dirIcon.SetResource(theme.SearchIcon())
+ myWindow.SetContent(fullContent)
+ gobtn.Enable()
+ }, myWindow)
+ d.Resize(fyne.NewSize(600, 200))
+ d.Show()
trainingLabel := widget.NewLabel("Training")
@@ -354,7 +429,7 @@ func startGui(log log.Logger, cmd string, training string, tessdir string) error
bookname := strings.ReplaceAll(filepath.Base(dir.Text), " ", "_")
f, err := os.Stat(bookdir)
- if err != nil {
+ if err != nil && !strings.HasPrefix(bookdir, "Google Book: ") {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error opening %s: %v", bookdir, err)
dialog.ShowError(errors.New(msg), myWindow)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, msg)
@@ -377,6 +452,17 @@ func startGui(log log.Logger, cmd string, training string, tessdir string) error
+ if strings.HasPrefix(dir.Text, "Google Book:") {
+ // TODO
+ dialog.ShowError(errors.New("Coming soon"), myWindow)
+ progressBar.SetValue(0.0)
+ for _, v := range []fyne.Disableable{folderBtn, pdfBtn, gbookBtn, trainingOpts, gobtn} {
+ v.Enable()
+ }
+ abortbtn.Disable()
+ return
+ }
if strings.HasSuffix(dir.Text, ".pdf") && !f.IsDir() {
bookdir, err = extractPdfImgs(ctx, bookdir)
if err != nil {