BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdd copyright notices and brief package descriptions to newer cmdsNick White19 months
v0.1.4commit e18ee4ec75...Nick White19 months
v0.1.3commit 4c0553fa86...Nick White5 years
v0.1.2commit d9612a98ab...Nick White5 years
v0.1.1commit 1ec81f95b7...Nick White5 years
v0.1.0commit 9b2398e22d...Nick White5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-08-22Add copyright notices and brief package descriptions to newer cmdsHEADv0.1.4masterNick White
2021-07-23dehyphenate: Update to reflect multiple page support in hocr packageNick White
2021-07-23iiifdownloader: Fixed error printingNick White
2021-07-23gofmtNick White
2021-06-08iiifdownloader: remove old and incorrect part which could cause errorsNick White
2021-05-11Handle pages with png suffix correctlyNick White
2021-05-11Update dlgbook usage statement to reflect that we include the bookid nowNick White
2021-05-10dlgbook: Strip special characters from authors as well as titlesNick White
2021-05-10dlgbook: add google book id to the end of the directory name, and limit lengt...Nick White
2021-03-25extracthocrlines: ensure opened files are closed promptly, to forego any too ...Nick White