path: root/template.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'template.go')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/template.go b/template.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17cea11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template.go
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+package gofpdf
+// GoFPDI
+// Copyright 2015 Marcus Downing
+// FPDI
+// Copyright 2004-2014 Setasign - Jan Slabon
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// CreateTemplate defines a new template using the current page size.
+func (f *Fpdf) CreateTemplate(fn func(*Tpl)) Template {
+ return newTpl(PointType{0, 0}, f.curPageSize, f.unitStr, f.fontDirStr, fn, f)
+// CreateTemplateCustom starts a template, using the given bounds.
+func (f *Fpdf) CreateTemplateCustom(corner PointType, size SizeType, fn func(*Tpl)) Template {
+ return newTpl(corner, size, f.unitStr, f.fontDirStr, fn, f)
+// CreateTemplate creates a template not attached to any document
+func CreateTemplate(corner PointType, size SizeType, unitStr, fontDirStr string, fn func(*Tpl)) Template {
+ return newTpl(corner, size, unitStr, fontDirStr, fn, nil)
+// UseTemplate adds a template to the current page or another template,
+// using the size and position at which it was originally written.
+func (f *Fpdf) UseTemplate(t Template) {
+ if t == nil {
+ f.SetErrorf("Template is nil")
+ return
+ }
+ corner, size := t.Size()
+ f.UseTemplateScaled(t, corner, size)
+// UseTemplateScaled adds a template to the current page or another template,
+// using the given page coordinates.
+func (f *Fpdf) UseTemplateScaled(t Template, corner PointType, size SizeType) {
+ if t == nil {
+ f.SetErrorf("Template is nil")
+ return
+ }
+ // You have to add at least a page first
+ if <= 0 {
+ f.SetErrorf("Cannot use a template without first adding a page")
+ return
+ }
+ // make a note of the fact that we actually use this template, as well as any other templates,
+ // images or fonts it uses
+ f.templates[t.ID()] = t
+ for _, tt := range t.Templates() {
+ f.templates[tt.ID()] = tt
+ }
+ for name, ti := range t.Images() {
+ name = sprintf("t%d-%s", t.ID(), name)
+ f.images[name] = ti
+ }
+ // template data
+ _, templateSize := t.Size()
+ scaleX := size.Wd / templateSize.Wd
+ scaleY := size.Ht / templateSize.Ht
+ tx := corner.X * f.k
+ ty := (f.curPageSize.Ht - corner.Y - size.Ht) * f.k
+ f.outf("q %.4F 0 0 %.4F %.4F %.4F cm", scaleX, scaleY, tx, ty) // Translate
+ f.outf("/TPL%d Do Q", t.ID())
+var nextTemplateIDChannel = func() chan int64 {
+ ch := make(chan int64)
+ go func() {
+ var nextID int64 = 1
+ for {
+ ch <- nextID
+ nextID++
+ }
+ }()
+ return ch
+// GenerateTemplateID gives the next template ID. These numbers are global so that they can never clash.
+func GenerateTemplateID() int64 {
+ return <-nextTemplateIDChannel
+// Template is an object that can be written to, then used and re-used any number of times within a document.
+type Template interface {
+ ID() int64
+ Size() (PointType, SizeType)
+ Bytes() []byte
+ Images() map[string]*ImageInfoType
+ Templates() []Template
+// putTemplates writes the templates to the PDF
+func (f *Fpdf) putTemplates() {
+ filter := ""
+ if f.compress {
+ filter = "/Filter /FlateDecode "
+ }
+ templates := sortTemplates(f.templates)
+ var t Template
+ for _, t = range templates {
+ corner, size := t.Size()
+ f.newobj()
+ f.templateObjects[t.ID()] = f.n
+ f.outf("<<%s/Type /XObject", filter)
+ f.out("/Subtype /Form")
+ f.out("/Formtype 1")
+ f.outf("/BBox [%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F]", corner.X*f.k, corner.Y*f.k, (corner.X+size.Wd)*f.k, (corner.Y+size.Ht)*f.k)
+ if corner.X != 0 || corner.Y != 0 {
+ f.outf("/Matrix [1 0 0 1 %.5F %.5F]", -corner.X*f.k*2, corner.Y*f.k*2)
+ }
+ // Template's resource dictionary
+ f.out("/Resources ")
+ f.out("<</ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]")
+ tImages := t.Images()
+ tTemplates := t.Templates()
+ if len(tImages) > 0 || len(tTemplates) > 0 {
+ f.out("/XObject <<")
+ for _, ti := range tImages {
+ f.outf("/I%d %d 0 R", ti.i, ti.n)
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tTemplates {
+ id := tt.ID()
+ if objID, ok := f.templateObjects[id]; ok {
+ f.outf("/TPL%d %d 0 R", id, objID)
+ }
+ }
+ f.out(">>")
+ }
+ f.out(">>")
+ // Write the template's byte stream
+ buffer := t.Bytes()
+ // fmt.Println("Put template bytes", string(buffer[:]))
+ if f.compress {
+ buffer = sliceCompress(buffer)
+ }
+ f.outf("/Length %d >>", len(buffer))
+ f.putstream(buffer)
+ f.out("endobj")
+ }
+// sortTemplates puts templates in a suitable order based on dependices
+func sortTemplates(templates map[int64]Template) []Template {
+ chain := make([]Template, 0, len(templates)*2)
+ // build a full set of dependency chains
+ for _, t := range templates {
+ tlist := templateChainDependencies(t)
+ for _, tt := range tlist {
+ if tt != nil {
+ chain = append(chain, tt)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // reduce that to make a simple list
+ sorted := make([]Template, 0, len(templates))
+ for _, t := range chain {
+ for _, already := range sorted {
+ if t == already {
+ continue chain
+ }
+ }
+ sorted = append(sorted, t)
+ }
+ return sorted
+// templateChainDependencies is a recursive function for determining the full chain of template dependencies
+func templateChainDependencies(template Template) []Template {
+ requires := template.Templates()
+ chain := make([]Template, len(requires)*2)
+ for _, req := range requires {
+ for _, sub := range templateChainDependencies(req) {
+ chain = append(chain, sub)
+ }
+ }
+ chain = append(chain, template)
+ return chain