path: root/doc/
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authorDarkFreedman <>2019-10-04 13:25:04 +0300
committerDarkFreedman <>2019-10-04 13:25:04 +0300
commit6b0f0dee0dd42aebd05ef612bc8069361d06e487 (patch)
tree6ab44fb49bf3359e3803181dcd3ab9e1df6a65e4 /doc/
parent2e803db13067e702208818c79d70bd0ad1b13370 (diff)
parent291a9758a2b6dad177c43ee435a68dcd46959496 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Update to latest version
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2289ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# GoFPDF document generator
+[![MIT licensed][badge-mit]][license]
+Package gofpdf implements a PDF document generator with high level support for
+text, drawing and images.
+## Features
+* UTF-8 support
+* Choice of measurement unit, page format and margins
+* Page header and footer management
+* Automatic page breaks, line breaks, and text justification
+* Inclusion of JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF and basic path-only SVG images
+* Colors, gradients and alpha channel transparency
+* Outline bookmarks
+* Internal and external links
+* TrueType, Type1 and encoding support
+* Page compression
+* Lines, Bézier curves, arcs, and ellipses
+* Rotation, scaling, skewing, translation, and mirroring
+* Clipping
+* Document protection
+* Layers
+* Templates
+* Barcodes
+* Charting facility
+* Import PDFs as templates
+gofpdf has no dependencies other than the Go standard library. All tests pass
+on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms.
+gofpdf supports UTF-8 TrueType fonts and "right-to-left" languages. Note that
+Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters may not be included in many general
+purpose fonts. For these languages, a specialized font (for example,
+[NotoSansSC][noto] for simplified Chinese) can be used.
+Also, support is provided to automatically translate UTF-8 runes to code page
+encodings for languages that have fewer than 256 glyphs.
+## Installation
+To install the package on your system, run
+go get
+Later, to receive updates, run
+go get -u -v
+## Quick Start
+The following Go code generates a simple PDF file.
+pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "mm", "A4", "")
+pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 16)
+pdf.Cell(40, 10, "Hello, world")
+err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose("hello.pdf")
+See the functions in the [fpdf_test.go][fpdf-test] file (shown as examples in
+this documentation) for more advanced PDF examples.
+## Errors
+If an error occurs in an Fpdf method, an internal error field is set. After
+this occurs, Fpdf method calls typically return without performing any
+operations and the error state is retained. This error management scheme
+facilitates PDF generation since individual method calls do not need to be
+examined for failure; it is generally sufficient to wait until after `Output()`
+is called. For the same reason, if an error occurs in the calling application
+during PDF generation, it may be desirable for the application to transfer the
+error to the Fpdf instance by calling the `SetError()` method or the
+`SetErrorf()` method. At any time during the life cycle of the Fpdf instance,
+the error state can be determined with a call to `Ok()` or `Err()`. The error
+itself can be retrieved with a call to `Error()`.
+## Conversion Notes
+This package is a relatively straightforward translation from the original
+[FPDF][fpdf-site] library written in PHP (despite the caveat in the
+introduction to [Effective Go][effective-go]). The
+API names have been retained even though the Go idiom would suggest otherwise
+(for example, `pdf.GetX()` is used rather than simply `pdf.X()`). The
+similarity of the two libraries makes the original FPDF website a good source
+of information. It includes a forum and FAQ.
+However, some internal changes have been made. Page content is built up using
+buffers (of type bytes.Buffer) rather than repeated string concatenation.
+Errors are handled as explained above rather than panicking. Output is
+generated through an interface of type io.Writer or io.WriteCloser. A number of
+the original PHP methods behave differently based on the type of the arguments
+that are passed to them; in these cases additional methods have been exported
+to provide similar functionality. Font definition files are produced in JSON
+rather than PHP.
+## Example PDFs
+A side effect of running `go test ./...` is the production of a number of
+example PDFs. These can be found in the gofpdf/pdf directory after the tests
+Please note that these examples run in the context of a test. In order run an
+example as a standalone application, you'll need to examine
+[fpdf_test.go][fpdf-test] for some helper routines, for example
+`exampleFilename()` and `summary()`.
+Example PDFs can be compared with reference copies in order to verify that they
+have been generated as expected. This comparison will be performed if a PDF
+with the same name as the example PDF is placed in the gofpdf/pdf/reference
+directory and if the third argument to `ComparePDFFiles()` in
+internal/example/example.go is true. (By default it is false.) The routine that
+summarizes an example will look for this file and, if found, will call
+`ComparePDFFiles()` to check the example PDF for equality with its reference PDF.
+If differences exist between the two files they will be printed to standard
+output and the test will fail. If the reference file is missing, the comparison
+is considered to succeed. In order to successfully compare two PDFs, the
+placement of internal resources must be consistent and the internal creation
+timestamps must be the same. To do this, the methods `SetCatalogSort()` and
+`SetCreationDate()` need to be called for both files. This is done automatically
+for all examples.
+## Nonstandard Fonts
+Nothing special is required to use the standard PDF fonts (courier, helvetica,
+times, zapfdingbats) in your documents other than calling `SetFont()`.
+You should use `AddUTF8Font()` or `AddUTF8FontFromBytes()` to add a TrueType
+UTF-8 encoded font. Use `RTL()` and `LTR()` methods switch between
+"right-to-left" and "left-to-right" mode.
+In order to use a different non-UTF-8 TrueType or Type1 font, you will need to
+generate a font definition file and, if the font will be embedded into PDFs, a
+compressed version of the font file. This is done by calling the MakeFont
+function or using the included makefont command line utility. To create the
+utility, cd into the makefont subdirectory and run "go build". This will
+produce a standalone executable named makefont. Select the appropriate encoding
+file from the font subdirectory and run the command as in the following
+./makefont --embed --enc=../font/ --dst=../font ../font/calligra.ttf
+In your PDF generation code, call `AddFont()` to load the font and, as with the
+standard fonts, SetFont() to begin using it. Most examples, including the
+package example, demonstrate this method. Good sources of free, open-source
+fonts include [Google Fonts][gfont] and [DejaVu Fonts][dfont].
+## Related Packages
+The [draw2d][draw2d-site] package is a two dimensional vector graphics library that
+can generate output in different forms. It uses gofpdf for its document
+production mode.
+## Contributing Changes
+gofpdf is a global community effort and you are invited to make it even better.
+If you have implemented a new feature or corrected a problem, please consider
+contributing your change to the project. A contribution that does not directly
+pertain to the core functionality of gofpdf should be placed in its own
+directory directly beneath the `contrib` directory.
+Here are guidelines for making submissions. Your change should
+* be compatible with the MIT License
+* be properly documented
+* be formatted with `go fmt`
+* include an example in [fpdf_test.go][test] if appropriate
+* conform to the standards of [golint][lint] and
+[go vet][vet], that is, `golint .` and
+`go vet .` should not generate any warnings
+* not diminish [test coverage][coverage]
+[Pull requests][pr] are the preferred means of accepting your changes.
+## License
+gofpdf is released under the MIT License. It is copyrighted by Kurt Jung and
+the contributors acknowledged below.
+## Acknowledgments
+This package's code and documentation are closely derived from the [FPDF][fpdf-site]
+library created by Olivier Plathey, and a number of font and image resources
+are copied directly from it. Bruno Michel has provided valuable assistance with
+the code. Drawing support is adapted from the FPDF geometric figures script by
+David Hernández Sanz. Transparency support is adapted from the FPDF
+transparency script by Martin Hall-May. Support for gradients and clipping is
+adapted from FPDF scripts by Andreas Würmser. Support for outline bookmarks is
+adapted from Olivier Plathey by Manuel Cornes. Layer support is adapted from
+Olivier Plathey. Support for transformations is adapted from the FPDF
+transformation script by Moritz Wagner and Andreas Würmser. PDF protection is
+adapted from the work of Klemen Vodopivec for the FPDF product. Lawrence
+Kesteloot provided code to allow an image's extent to be determined prior to
+placement. Support for vertical alignment within a cell was provided by Stefan
+Schroeder. Ivan Daniluk generalized the font and image loading code to use the
+Reader interface while maintaining backward compatibility. Anthony Starks
+provided code for the Polygon function. Robert Lillack provided the Beziergon
+function and corrected some naming issues with the internal curve function.
+Claudio Felber provided implementations for dashed line drawing and generalized
+font loading. Stani Michiels provided support for multi-segment path drawing
+with smooth line joins, line join styles, enhanced fill modes, and has helped
+greatly with package presentation and tests. Templating is adapted by Marcus
+Downing from the FPDF_Tpl library created by Jan Slabon and Setasign. Jelmer
+Snoeck contributed packages that generate a variety of barcodes and help with
+registering images on the web. Jelmer Snoek and Guillermo Pascual augmented the
+basic HTML functionality with aligned text. Kent Quirk implemented
+backwards-compatible support for reading DPI from images that support it, and
+for setting DPI manually and then having it properly taken into account when
+calculating image size. Paulo Coutinho provided support for static embedded
+fonts. Dan Meyers added support for embedded JavaScript. David Fish added a
+generic alias-replacement function to enable, among other things, table of
+contents functionality. Andy Bakun identified and corrected a problem in which
+the internal catalogs were not sorted stably. Paul Montag added encoding and
+decoding functionality for templates, including images that are embedded in
+templates; this allows templates to be stored independently of gofpdf. Paul
+also added support for page boxes used in printing PDF documents. Wojciech
+Matusiak added supported for word spacing. Artem Korotkiy added support of
+UTF-8 fonts. Dave Barnes added support for imported objects and templates.
+Brigham Thompson added support for rounded rectangles. Joe Westcott added
+underline functionality and optimized image storage.
+## Roadmap
+* Improve test coverage as reported by the coverage tool.