diff options
authorDave Barnes <>2019-05-15 11:25:39 -0500
committerDave Barnes <>2019-05-15 11:25:39 -0500
commitce8a12ff5655c57989b925abc0b8a3a1e6535d59 (patch)
parent0fb5126fefeb1a7be7ed1c4dac02539af931a237 (diff)
Clean up code based on jung-kurt's feedback.
3 files changed, 29 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/gofpdi/gofpdi.go b/contrib/gofpdi/gofpdi.go
index c1f3df8..d1b98e9 100644
--- a/contrib/gofpdi/gofpdi.go
+++ b/contrib/gofpdi/gofpdi.go
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ func ImportPage(f gofpdiPdf, sourceFile string, pageno int, box string) int {
// Import objects into current pdf document
// Unordered means that the objects will be returned with a sha1 hash instead of an integer
// The objects themselves may have references to other hashes which will be replaced in ImportObjects()
- tplObjIds := fpdi.PutFormXobjectsUnordered()
+ tplObjIDs := fpdi.PutFormXobjectsUnordered()
// Set template names and ids (hashes) in gofpdf
- f.ImportTemplates(tplObjIds)
+ f.ImportTemplates(tplObjIDs)
// Get a map[string]string of the imported objects.
// The map keys will be the ID of each object.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func ImportPage(f gofpdiPdf, sourceFile string, pageno int, box string) int {
// Import gofpdi objects into gofpdf
- // Get a map[string]map[int]string of the object hashes and their positions within each object,
+ // Get a map[string]map[int]string of the object hashes and their positions within each object,
// to be replaced with object ids (integers).
importedObjPos := fpdi.GetImportedObjHashPos()
diff --git a/def.go b/def.go
index f725f01..efa573e 100644
--- a/def.go
+++ b/def.go
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ type Fpdf struct {
importedObjs map[string][]byte // imported template objects (gofpdi)
importedObjPos map[string]map[int]string // imported template objects hashes and their positions (gofpdi)
importedTplObjs map[string]string // imported template names and IDs (hashed) (gofpdi)
- importedTplIds map[string]int // imported template ids hash to object id int (gofpdi)
+ importedTplIDs map[string]int // imported template ids hash to object id int (gofpdi)
buffer fmtBuffer // buffer holding in-memory PDF
pages []*bytes.Buffer // slice[page] of page content; 1-based
state int // current document state
diff --git a/fpdf.go b/fpdf.go
index e381459..666f97f 100644
--- a/fpdf.go
+++ b/fpdf.go
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ func fpdfNew(orientationStr, unitStr, sizeStr, fontDirStr string, size SizeType)
f.importedObjs = make(map[string][]byte, 0)
f.importedObjPos = make(map[string]map[int]string, 0)
f.importedTplObjs = make(map[string]string)
- f.importedTplIds = make(map[string]int, 0)
+ f.importedTplIDs = make(map[string]int, 0)
f.images = make(map[string]*ImageInfoType)
f.pageLinks = make([][]linkType, 0, 8)
f.pageLinks = append(f.pageLinks, make([]linkType, 0, 0)) // pageLinks[0] is unused (1-based)
@@ -3105,14 +3105,14 @@ func (f *Fpdf) GetImageInfo(imageStr string) (info *ImageInfoType) {
return f.images[imageStr]
-// Import objects from gofpdi into current document
+// ImportObjects imports objects from gofpdi into current document
func (f *Fpdf) ImportObjects(objs map[string][]byte) {
for k, v := range objs {
f.importedObjs[k] = v
-// Import object hash positions from gofpdi
+// ImportObjPos imports object hash positions from gofpdi
func (f *Fpdf) ImportObjPos(objPos map[string]map[int]string) {
for k, v := range objPos {
f.importedObjPos[k] = v
@@ -3124,64 +3124,64 @@ func (f *Fpdf) putImportedTemplates() {
nOffset := f.n + 1
// keep track of list of sha1 hashes (to be replaced with integers)
- objsIdHash := make([]string, len(f.importedObjs))
+ objsIDHash := make([]string, len(f.importedObjs))
// actual object data with new id
- objsIdData := make([][]byte, len(f.importedObjs))
+ objsIDData := make([][]byte, len(f.importedObjs))
// Populate hash slice and data slice
i := 0
for k, v := range f.importedObjs {
- objsIdHash[i] = k
- objsIdData[i] = v
+ objsIDHash[i] = k
+ objsIDData[i] = v
// Populate a lookup table to get an object id from a hash
- hashToObjId := make(map[string]int, len(f.importedObjs))
- for i = 0; i < len(objsIdHash); i++ {
- hashToObjId[objsIdHash[i]] = i + nOffset
+ hashToObjID := make(map[string]int, len(f.importedObjs))
+ for i = 0; i < len(objsIDHash); i++ {
+ hashToObjID[objsIDHash[i]] = i + nOffset
// Now, replace hashes inside data with %040d object id
- for i = 0; i < len(objsIdData); i++ {
+ for i = 0; i < len(objsIDData); i++ {
// get hash
- hash := objsIdHash[i]
+ hash := objsIDHash[i]
for pos, h := range f.importedObjPos[hash] {
// Convert object id into a 40 character string padded with spaces
- objIdPadded := fmt.Sprintf("%40s", fmt.Sprintf("%d", hashToObjId[h]))
+ objIDPadded := fmt.Sprintf("%40s", fmt.Sprintf("%d", hashToObjID[h]))
- // Convert objIdPadded into []byte
- objIdBytes := []byte(objIdPadded)
+ // Convert objIDPadded into []byte
+ objIDBytes := []byte(objIDPadded)
// Replace sha1 hash with object id padded
for j := pos; j < pos+40; j++ {
- objsIdData[i][j] = objIdBytes[j-pos]
+ objsIDData[i][j] = objIDBytes[j-pos]
- // Save objsIdHash so that procset dictionary has the correct object ids
- f.importedTplIds[hash] = i + nOffset
+ // Save objsIDHash so that procset dictionary has the correct object ids
+ f.importedTplIDs[hash] = i + nOffset
// Now, put objects
- for i = 0; i < len(objsIdData); i++ {
+ for i = 0; i < len(objsIDData); i++ {
- f.out(string(objsIdData[i]))
+ f.out(string(objsIDData[i]))
-// Use imported template from gofpdi - draws imported PDF page onto page
+// UseImportedTemplate uses imported template from gofpdi - draws imported PDF page onto page
func (f *Fpdf) UseImportedTemplate(tplName string, scaleX float64, scaleY float64, tX float64, tY float64) {
f.outf("q 0 J 1 w 0 j 0 G 0 g q %.4F 0 0 %.4F %.4F %.4F cm %s Do Q Q\n", scaleX*f.k, scaleY*f.k, tX*f.k, (tY+f.h)*f.k, tplName)
-// Import gofpdi template names into importedTplObjs - to be included in the procset dictionary
+// ImportTemplates imports gofpdi template names into importedTplObjs - to be included in the procset dictionary
func (f *Fpdf) ImportTemplates(tpls map[string]string) {
- for tplName, tplId := range tpls {
- f.importedTplObjs[tplName] = tplId
+ for tplName, tplID := range tpls {
+ f.importedTplObjs[tplName] = tplID
@@ -4260,7 +4260,7 @@ func (f *Fpdf) putxobjectdict() {
for tplName, objID := range f.importedTplObjs {
// here replace obj id hash with n
- f.outf("%s %d 0 R", tplName, f.importedTplIds[objID])
+ f.outf("%s %d 0 R", tplName, f.importedTplIDs[objID])