path: root/fpdf_test.go
diff options
authorDarkFreedman <>2019-10-04 12:14:19 +0300
committerDarkFreedman <>2019-10-04 12:14:19 +0300
commit4c9d4cde86495128201e05dfdcee37db69f23659 (patch)
treebcc51f0f0b585ced9b68f1003972847db619e402 /fpdf_test.go
parent4ca1a43173413971a6bb92c78be31a71b29b416b (diff)
Update to latest version
Diffstat (limited to 'fpdf_test.go')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/fpdf_test.go b/fpdf_test.go
index 6042fab..5035bd8 100644
--- a/fpdf_test.go
+++ b/fpdf_test.go
@@ -858,7 +858,37 @@ func ExampleFpdf_ImageOptions() {
// Successfully generated pdf/Fpdf_ImageOptions.pdf
-// This examples demonstrates Landscape mode with images.
+// ExampleFpdf_RegisterImageOptionsReader demonstrates how to load an image
+// from a io.Reader (in this case, a file) and register it with options.
+func ExampleFpdf_RegisterImageOptionsReader() {
+ var (
+ opt gofpdf.ImageOptions
+ pdfStr string
+ fl *os.File
+ err error
+ )
+ pdfStr = example.Filename("Fpdf_RegisterImageOptionsReader")
+ pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "mm", "A4", "")
+ pdf.AddPage()
+ pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 11)
+ fl, err = os.Open(example.ImageFile("logo.png"))
+ if err == nil {
+ opt.ImageType = "png"
+ opt.AllowNegativePosition = true
+ _ = pdf.RegisterImageOptionsReader("logo", opt, fl)
+ fl.Close()
+ for x := -20.0; x <= 40.0; x += 5 {
+ pdf.ImageOptions("logo", x, x+30, 0, 0, false, opt, 0, "")
+ }
+ err = pdf.OutputFileAndClose(pdfStr)
+ }
+ example.Summary(err, pdfStr)
+ // Output:
+ // Successfully generated pdf/Fpdf_RegisterImageOptionsReader.pdf
+// This example demonstrates Landscape mode with images.
func ExampleFpdf_SetAcceptPageBreakFunc() {
var y0 float64
var crrntCol int
@@ -918,7 +948,7 @@ func ExampleFpdf_SetAcceptPageBreakFunc() {
// Successfully generated pdf/Fpdf_SetAcceptPageBreakFunc_landscape.pdf
-// This examples tests corner cases as reported by the gocov tool.
+// This example tests corner cases as reported by the gocov tool.
func ExampleFpdf_SetKeywords() {
var err error
fileStr := example.Filename("Fpdf_SetKeywords")
@@ -2389,7 +2419,7 @@ func ExampleFpdf_SubWrite() {
// ExampleFpdf_SetPage demomstrates the SetPage() method, allowing content
// generation to be deferred until all pages have been added.
func ExampleFpdf_SetPage() {
- rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)) // Make reproducable documents
+ rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)) // Make reproducible documents
pdf := gofpdf.New("L", "cm", "A4", "")
pdf.SetFont("Times", "", 12)
@@ -2523,6 +2553,10 @@ func ExampleFpdf_TransformRotate() {
// ExampleFpdf_AddUTF8Font demonstrates how use the font
// with utf-8 mode
func ExampleFpdf_AddUTF8Font() {
+ var fileStr string
+ var txtStr []byte
+ var err error
pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "mm", "A4", "")
@@ -2532,23 +2566,167 @@ func ExampleFpdf_AddUTF8Font() {
pdf.AddUTF8Font("dejavu", "I", example.FontFile("DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf"))
pdf.AddUTF8Font("dejavu", "BI", example.FontFile("DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique.ttf"))
- txtStr, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(example.TextFile("utf-8test.txt"))
+ fileStr = example.Filename("Fpdf_AddUTF8Font")
+ txtStr, err = ioutil.ReadFile(example.TextFile("utf-8test.txt"))
+ if err == nil {
+ pdf.SetFont("dejavu", "B", 17)
+ pdf.MultiCell(100, 8, "Text in different languages :", "", "C", false)
+ pdf.SetFont("dejavu", "", 14)
+ pdf.MultiCell(100, 5, string(txtStr), "", "C", false)
+ pdf.Ln(15)
- pdf.SetFont("dejavu", "B", 17)
- pdf.MultiCell(100, 8, "Text in different languages :", "", "C", false)
- pdf.SetFont("dejavu", "", 14)
- pdf.MultiCell(100, 5, string(txtStr), "", "C", false)
- pdf.Ln(15)
+ txtStr, err = ioutil.ReadFile(example.TextFile("utf-8test2.txt"))
+ if err == nil {
- txtStr, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(example.TextFile("utf-8test2.txt"))
- pdf.SetFont("dejavu", "BI", 17)
- pdf.MultiCell(100, 8, "Greek text with alignStr = \"J\":", "", "C", false)
- pdf.SetFont("dejavu", "I", 14)
- pdf.MultiCell(100, 5, string(txtStr), "", "J", false)
+ pdf.SetFont("dejavu", "BI", 17)
+ pdf.MultiCell(100, 8, "Greek text with alignStr = \"J\":", "", "C", false)
+ pdf.SetFont("dejavu", "I", 14)
+ pdf.MultiCell(100, 5, string(txtStr), "", "J", false)
+ err = pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
- fileStr := example.Filename("Fpdf_AddUTF8Font")
- err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
+ }
+ }
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
// Output:
// Successfully generated pdf/Fpdf_AddUTF8Font.pdf
+// ExampleUTF8CutFont demonstrates how generate a TrueType font subset.
+func ExampleUTF8CutFont() {
+ var pdfFileStr, fullFontFileStr, subFontFileStr string
+ var subFont, fullFont []byte
+ var err error
+ pdfFileStr = example.Filename("Fpdf_UTF8CutFont")
+ fullFontFileStr = example.FontFile("calligra.ttf")
+ fullFont, err = ioutil.ReadFile(fullFontFileStr)
+ if err == nil {
+ subFontFileStr = "calligra_abcde.ttf"
+ subFont = gofpdf.UTF8CutFont(fullFont, "abcde")
+ err = ioutil.WriteFile(subFontFileStr, subFont, 0600)
+ if err == nil {
+ y := 24.0
+ pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "mm", "A4", "")
+ fontHt := 17.0
+ lineHt := pdf.PointConvert(fontHt)
+ write := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ pdf.SetXY(24.0, y)
+ pdf.Cell(200.0, lineHt, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
+ y += lineHt
+ }
+ writeSize := func(fileStr string) {
+ var info os.FileInfo
+ var err error
+ info, err = os.Stat(fileStr)
+ if err == nil {
+ write("%6d: size of %s", info.Size(), fileStr)
+ }
+ }
+ pdf.AddPage()
+ pdf.AddUTF8Font("calligra", "", subFontFileStr)
+ pdf.SetFont("calligra", "", fontHt)
+ write("cabbed")
+ write("vwxyz")
+ pdf.SetFont("courier", "", fontHt)
+ writeSize(fullFontFileStr)
+ writeSize(subFontFileStr)
+ err = pdf.OutputFileAndClose(pdfFileStr)
+ os.Remove(subFontFileStr)
+ }
+ }
+ example.Summary(err, pdfFileStr)
+ // Output:
+ // Successfully generated pdf/Fpdf_UTF8CutFont.pdf
+func ExampleFpdf_RoundedRect() {
+ const (
+ wd = 40.0
+ hgap = 10.0
+ radius = 10.0
+ ht = 60.0
+ vgap = 10.0
+ )
+ corner := func(b1, b2, b3, b4 bool) (cstr string) {
+ if b1 {
+ cstr = "1"
+ }
+ if b2 {
+ cstr += "2"
+ }
+ if b3 {
+ cstr += "3"
+ }
+ if b4 {
+ cstr += "4"
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "mm", "A4", "") // 210 x 297
+ pdf.AddPage()
+ pdf.SetLineWidth(0.5)
+ y := vgap
+ r := 40
+ g := 30
+ b := 20
+ for row := 0; row < 4; row++ {
+ x := hgap
+ for col := 0; col < 4; col++ {
+ pdf.SetFillColor(r, g, b)
+ pdf.RoundedRect(x, y, wd, ht, radius, corner(row&1 == 1, row&2 == 2, col&1 == 1, col&2 == 2), "FD")
+ r += 8
+ g += 10
+ b += 12
+ x += wd + hgap
+ }
+ y += ht + vgap
+ }
+ fileStr := example.Filename("Fpdf_RoundedRect")
+ err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
+ example.Summary(err, fileStr)
+ // Output:
+ // Successfully generated pdf/Fpdf_RoundedRect.pdf
+// ExampleFpdf_SetUnderlineThickness demonstrates how to adjust the text
+// underline thickness.
+func ExampleFpdf_SetUnderlineThickness() {
+ pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "mm", "A4", "") // 210mm x 297mm
+ pdf.AddPage()
+ pdf.SetFont("Arial", "U", 12)
+ pdf.SetUnderlineThickness(0.5)
+ pdf.CellFormat(0, 10, "Thin underline", "", 1, "", false, 0, "")
+ pdf.SetUnderlineThickness(1)
+ pdf.CellFormat(0, 10, "Normal underline", "", 1, "", false, 0, "")
+ pdf.SetUnderlineThickness(2)
+ pdf.CellFormat(0, 10, "Thicker underline", "", 1, "", false, 0, "")
+ fileStr := example.Filename("Fpdf_UnderlineThickness")
+ err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
+ example.Summary(err, fileStr)
+ // Output:
+ // Successfully generated pdf/Fpdf_UnderlineThickness.pdf
+// ExampleFpdf_Cell_strikeout demonstrates striked-out text
+func ExampleFpdf_Cell_strikeout() {
+ pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "mm", "A4", "") // 210mm x 297mm
+ pdf.AddPage()
+ for fontSize := 4; fontSize < 40; fontSize += 10 {
+ pdf.SetFont("Arial", "S", float64(fontSize))
+ pdf.SetXY(0, float64(fontSize))
+ pdf.Cell(40, 10, "Hello World")
+ }
+ fileStr := example.Filename("Fpdf_Cell_strikeout")
+ err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
+ example.Summary(err, fileStr)
+ // Output:
+ // Successfully generated pdf/Fpdf_Cell_strikeout.pdf