BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
fullsizepdfSeparate out fullsize pdf creation from colour pdf creation, so less memory i...Nick White2 years
guirefactorFix issue with directory page images with spaces in the name causing processi...Nick White3 months
localFix CheckQueue for LocalConnNick White4 years
masterAdd version info to windows and mac buildsNick White4 weeks
minimisedisk[untested] Use less disk spaceNick White4 years
rotationAdd support for rotated images in PDFsNick White4 weeks
separatelocalSwitch Preprocess() to take the thresholds to use, and have rescribe tool onl...Nick White3 years
v1.3.0commit 6230fc2cf5...Nick White3 weeks
v1.2.0commit bf6e476219...Nick White2 months
v1.1.0commit 3dd0036914...Nick White14 months
v1.0.2commit 3fb28b552e...Nick White18 months
v1.0.1commit eac3d2a6c3...Nick White18 months
v1.0.0commit 45fd6cc3d8...Nick White2 years
v0.5.3commit ebf623c447...Nick White3 years
v0.5.2commit ff63756c71...Nick White3 years
v0.5.1commit 37a1581288...Nick White3 years
v0.5.0commit 9f3fec3e09...Nick White3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2021-03-16rescribe: change default training directory to trainings/v0.3.3Nick White
2021-02-22lspipeline: Rename to lspipeline-ng, and restore pre concurrency version to l...Nick White
2021-02-15getsamplepages: Add -prefix option, and use 'best' to get random page numbersNick White
2021-02-05Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// White
2021-02-05Update go-chart dependencyNick White
2021-02-01Update AWS dependency to 1.37.1Nick White
2021-02-01Ensure DeleteObjects can handle over 1000 files to delete; fixes rmbook for l...Nick White
2021-01-26Make ListObjectsWithMeta generic again and create a specialised ListObjectWit...Nick White
2021-01-26Improve lspipeline concurrency by removing WaitGroup stuffNick White
2021-01-26Speed up lspipeline by making s3 requests concurrently and only processing si...Nick White