#!/usr/bin/env python3 import io import argparse import unicodedata from PIL import Image import sys import codecs sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout) sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stderr) # # command line arguments # arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('''Creates tesseract box files for given (line) image text pairs''') # Text ground truth arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--txt', nargs='?', metavar='TXT', help='Line text (GT)', required=True) # Image file arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', nargs='?', metavar='IMAGE', help='Image file', required=True) args = arg_parser.parse_args() # # main # # load image with open(args.image, "rb") as f: width, height = Image.open(f).size # load gt with io.open(args.txt, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.read().strip().split('\n') for line in lines: if line.strip(): for i in range(1, len(line)): char = line[i] prev_char = line[i-1] if unicodedata.combining(char): print(u"%s %d %d %d %d 0" % ((prev_char + char), 0, 0, width, height)) elif not unicodedata.combining(prev_char): print(u"%s %d %d %d %d 0" % (prev_char, 0, 0, width, height)) if not unicodedata.combining(line[-1]): print(u"%s %d %d %d %d 0" % (line[-1], 0, 0, width, height)) print(u"%s %d %d %d %d 0" % ("\t", width, height, width+1, height+1))