// Copyright 2019 Nick White. // Use of this source code is governed by the GPLv3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package preproc import ( "fmt" "image" "image/draw" _ "image/jpeg" "image/png" "os" "strings" "rescribe.xyz/integral" ) func autowsize(bounds image.Rectangle) int { // TODO: do more testing to see how good this assumption is return bounds.Dx() / 60 } // PreProcMulti binarizes and preprocesses an image with multiple binarisation levels. // inPath: Path of input image. // ksizes: Slice of k values to pass to Sauvola algorithm // binType: Type of binarization threshold. binary or zeroinv are currently implemented. // binWsize: Window size for sauvola binarization algorithm. Set automatically based on resolution if 0. // wipe: Whether to wipe (clear sides) the image // wipeWsize: Window size for wiping algorithm // wipeMinWidthPerc: Minimum percentage of the image width for the content width calculation to be considered valid // vWipeWsize: Window size for vertical wiping algorithm // wipeMinHeightPerc: Minimum percentage of the image height for the content height calculation to be considered valid func PreProcMulti(inPath string, ksizes []float64, binType string, binWsize int, wipe bool, wipeWsize int, wipeMinWidthPerc int, vWipeWsize int, wipeMinHeightPerc int) ([]string, error) { // TODO: come up with a way to set a good ksize automatically // Make outBase inPath up to final . s := strings.Split(inPath, ".") outBase := strings.Join(s[:len(s)-1], "") var donePaths []string f, err := os.Open(inPath) if err != nil { return donePaths, fmt.Errorf("Error opening %s: %v", inPath, err) } defer f.Close() img, _, err := image.Decode(f) if err != nil { return donePaths, fmt.Errorf("Error decoding image %s: %v", inPath, err) } b := img.Bounds() if binWsize == 0 { binWsize = autowsize(b) } if binWsize%2 == 0 { binWsize++ } intImg := integral.NewImage(b) draw.Draw(intImg, b, img, b.Min, draw.Src) intSqImg := integral.NewSqImage(b) draw.Draw(intSqImg, b, img, b.Min, draw.Src) var clean, threshimg image.Image for _, k := range ksizes { threshimg = PreCalcedSauvola(*intImg, *intSqImg, img, k, binWsize) if binType == "zeroinv" { threshimg, err = BinToZeroInv(threshimg.(*image.Gray), img.(*image.RGBA)) if err != nil { return donePaths, fmt.Errorf("Error in BinToZeroInv: ", err) } } if wipe { vclean := VWipe(threshimg.(*image.Gray), vWipeWsize, k*0.02, wipeMinHeightPerc) clean = Wipe(vclean, wipeWsize, k*0.02, wipeMinWidthPerc) } else { clean = threshimg } savefn := fmt.Sprintf("%s_bin%0.1f.png", outBase, k) f, err = os.Create(savefn) if err != nil { return donePaths, fmt.Errorf("Error creating file %s: %v", savefn, err) } defer f.Close() err = png.Encode(f, clean) if err != nil { return donePaths, fmt.Errorf("Error encoding image as png: %v", savefn, err) } donePaths = append(donePaths, savefn) } return donePaths, nil }