# rescribe.xyz/preproc package This package contains various image processing methods which are useful for preprocessing page images for OCR. It also contains several commands in the cmd/ directory which can be used to preprocess images directly. This is a Go package, and can be installed in the standard go way, by running `go get rescribe.xyz/preproc/...` ## Commands There are several commands in the cmd/ directory which are useful in their own right as well as serving as examples of using the package. - binarize : binarises an image using the sauvola algorithm - preproc : binarises and wipes an image - preprocmulti : binarises and wipes an image with multiple binarisation ksize values - wipe : wipes sections of an image that are outside an area detected as content ## Bugs The integral image operations don't produce exactly the same result as their non-integral image counterparts. The difference is small enough that it has little effect on the output images, but it ought to be identical. ## Contributions Any and all comments, bug reports, patches or pull requests would be very welcomely received. Please email them to <nick@rescribe.xyz>. ## License This package is licensed under the GPLv3. See the LICENSE file for more details.