# rescribe.xyz/integralimg package

This package contains methods and structures for dealing with
Integral Images, aka Summed Area Tables. These are structures
which precompute the sum of pixels to the left and above each
pixel, which can make several common image processing
operations much faster.

This is a Go package, and can be installed in the standard go way,
by running `go get rescribe.xyz/integralimg` and documentation
can be read with the `go doc` command or online at

## Bugs

The standard deviation and mean functions don't produce precisely
the same result as those run on non integral images. The difference
is small enough that it has little effect for most uses, but it
ought to be identical.


Write tests for the package.

## Contributions

Any and all comments, bug reports, patches or pull requests would
be very welcomely received. Please email them to <nick@rescribe.xyz>.

## License

This package is licensed under the GPLv3. See the LICENSE file for
more details.