// Copyright 2019 Nick White. // Use of this source code is governed by the GPLv3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // integralimg is a package for processing integral images, aka // summed area tables. These are structures which precompute the // sum of pixels to the left and above each pixel, which can make // several common image processing operations much faster. // // integralimg.Image and integralimg.SqImage fully implement the // image.Image and image/draw.Draw interfaces, and hence can be // used like so: // // img, _, err := image.Decode(f) // integral := integralimg.NewImage(b) // draw.Draw(integral, b, img, b.Min, draw.Src) // // This package also defines a Window, which is a rectangular // section of an integral image. This has several methods to do // useful calculations on the part of the image represented. package integralimg import ( "image" "image/color" "math" ) // Image is an integral Image type Image [][]uint64 // SqImage is a Square integral Image. // A squared integral image is an integral image for which the square of // each pixel is saved; this is useful for efficiently calculating // Standard Deviation. type SqImage [][]uint64 func (i Image) ColorModel() color.Model { return color.Gray16Model } func (i Image) Bounds() image.Rectangle { return image.Rect(0, 0, len(i[0]), len(i)) } // at64 is used to return the raw uint64 for a given pixel. Accessing // this separately to a (potentially lossy) conversion to a Gray16 is // necessary for SqImage to function accurately. func (i Image) at64(x, y int) uint64 { if !(image.Point{x, y}.In(i.Bounds())) { return 0 } var prevx, prevy, prevxy uint64 prevx, prevy, prevxy = 0, 0, 0 if x > 0 { prevx = i[y][x-1] } if y > 0 { prevy = i[y-1][x] } if x > 0 && y > 0 { prevxy = i[y-1][x-1] } orig := i[y][x] + prevxy - prevx - prevy return orig } func (i Image) At(x, y int) color.Color { c := i.at64(x, y) return color.Gray16{uint16(c)} } func (i Image) set64(x, y int, c uint64) { var prevx, prevy, prevxy uint64 prevx, prevy, prevxy = 0, 0, 0 if x > 0 { prevx = i[y][x-1] } if y > 0 { prevy = i[y-1][x] } if x > 0 && y > 0 { prevxy = i[y-1][x-1] } final := c + prevx + prevy - prevxy i[y][x] = final } func (i Image) Set(x, y int, c color.Color) { gray := color.Gray16Model.Convert(c).(color.Gray16).Y i.set64(x, y, uint64(gray)) } // NewImage returns a new integral Image with the given bounds. func NewImage(r image.Rectangle) *Image { w, h := r.Dx(), r.Dy() var rows Image for i := 0; i < h; i++ { col := make([]uint64, w) rows = append(rows, col) } return &rows } func (i SqImage) ColorModel() color.Model { return Image(i).ColorModel() } func (i SqImage) Bounds() image.Rectangle { return Image(i).Bounds() } func (i SqImage) At(x, y int) color.Color { c := Image(i).at64(x, y) rt := math.Sqrt(float64(c)) return color.Gray16{uint16(rt)} } func (i SqImage) Set(x, y int, c color.Color) { gray := uint64(color.Gray16Model.Convert(c).(color.Gray16).Y) Image(i).set64(x, y, gray * gray) } // NewSqImage returns a new squared integral Image with the given bounds. func NewSqImage(r image.Rectangle) *SqImage { i := NewImage(r) s := SqImage(*i) return &s } func lowest(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b } func highest(a, b int) int { if a > b { return a } return b } func (i Image) topLeft(r image.Rectangle) uint64 { x := highest(r.Min.X, 0) y := highest(r.Min.Y, 0) return i[y][x] } func (i Image) topRight(r image.Rectangle) uint64 { x := lowest(r.Max.X, i.Bounds().Dx() - 1) y := highest(r.Min.Y, 0) return i[y][x] } func (i Image) bottomLeft(r image.Rectangle) uint64 { x := highest(r.Min.X, 0) y := lowest(r.Max.Y, i.Bounds().Dy() - 1) return i[y][x] } func (i Image) bottomRight(r image.Rectangle) uint64 { x := lowest(r.Max.X, i.Bounds().Dx() - 1) y := lowest(r.Max.Y, i.Bounds().Dy() - 1) return i[y][x] } // Sum returns the sum of all pixels in a rectangle func (i Image) Sum(r image.Rectangle) uint64 { return i.bottomRight(r) + i.topLeft(r) - i.topRight(r) - i.bottomLeft(r) } // Mean returns the average value of pixels in a rectangle func (i Image) Mean(r image.Rectangle) float64 { in := r.Intersect(i.Bounds()) return float64(i.Sum(r)) / float64(in.Dx() * in.Dy()) } // Sum returns the sum of all pixels in a rectangle func (i SqImage) Sum(r image.Rectangle) uint64 { return Image(i).Sum(r) } // Mean returns the average value of pixels in a rectangle func (i SqImage) Mean(r image.Rectangle) float64 { return Image(i).Mean(r) } // Proportion returns the proportion of pixels which are not white func (i Image) ProportionNotWhite(r image.Rectangle) float64 { in := r.Intersect(i.Bounds()) area := in.Dx() * in.Dy() // 1 << 16 - 1 as we're using Gray16, so 1 << 16 - 1 = white sum := float64(i.Sum(r)) / float64(1 << 16 - 1) return 1 - float64(area) / float64(sum) } // MeanStdDev calculates the mean and standard deviation of a // section of an image, using the corresponding regular and square // integral images. func MeanStdDev(i Image, sq SqImage, r image.Rectangle) (float64, float64) { imean := i.Mean(r) smean := sq.Mean(r) variance := smean - (imean * imean) return imean, math.Sqrt(variance) } // Window is a section of an Integral Image type Window struct { topleft uint64 topright uint64 bottomleft uint64 bottomright uint64 width int height int } // GetWindow gets the values of the corners of a square part of an // Integral Image, plus the dimensions of the part, which can // be used to quickly calculate the mean of the area func (i Image) GetWindow(x, y, size int) Window { step := size / 2 minx, miny := 0, 0 maxy := i.Bounds().Dy() - 1 maxx := i.Bounds().Dx() - 1 if y > (step+1) { miny = y - step - 1 } if x > (step+1) { minx = x - step - 1 } if maxy > (y + step) { maxy = y + step } if maxx > (x + step) { maxx = x + step } return Window { i[miny][minx], i[miny][maxx], i[maxy][minx], i[maxy][maxx], maxx-minx, maxy-miny} } func (i SqImage) GetWindow(x, y, size int) Window { return Image(i).GetWindow(x, y, size) } // GetVerticalWindow gets the values of the corners of a vertical // slice of an Integral Image, starting at x func (i Image) GetVerticalWindow(x, width int) Window { maxy := i.Bounds().Dy() - 1 xbound := i.Bounds().Dx() - 1 maxx := x + width if maxx > xbound { maxx = xbound } return Window { i[0][x], i[0][maxx], i[maxy][x], i[maxy][maxx], width, maxy } } func (i SqImage) GetVerticalWindow(x, width int) Window { return Image(i).GetVerticalWindow(x, width) } // Sum returns the sum of all pixels in a Window func (w Window) Sum() uint64 { return w.bottomright + w.topleft - w.topright - w.bottomleft } // Size returns the total size of a Window func (w Window) Size() int { return w.width * w.height } // Mean returns the average value of pixels in a Window func (w Window) Mean() float64 { return float64(w.Sum()) / float64(w.Size()) } // Proportion returns the proportion of pixels which are on func (w Window) Proportion() float64 { area := w.width * w.height // 1 << 16 - 1 as we're using Gray16, so for a binarised // image then 1 << 16 - 1 = on sum := float64(w.Sum()) / float64(1 << 16 - 1) return float64(area) / float64(sum) - 1 } // MeanStdDevWindow calculates the mean and standard deviation of // a section on an Integral Image, using the corresponding Square // Integral Image. func MeanStdDevWindow(i Image, sq SqImage, x, y, size int) (float64, float64) { imean := i.GetWindow(x, y, size).Mean() smean := sq.GetWindow(x, y, size).Mean() variance := smean - (imean * imean) return imean, math.Sqrt(variance) }