path: root/integralimg_test.go
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-08-03Add more Sum() tests, and further correct bugs found from itNick White
The implementation should be bug-free now. Of course, I thought that previously, then found more, so we shall see. There are more tests, though, and they definitely pass, so that's a good start.
2020-07-29Add test of Sum() that compares against a simple implementation for a ↵Nick White
general Gray16 image This is what found the bug which was fixed by commit b9e6c0d3.
2020-07-25Improve documentation and simplify test codeNick White
2020-07-23Add SqImage type, which also implements image.Image and image/draw.ImageNick White
This is intended as an alternative to the WithSq and ToSqIntegralImg functionality, though the MeanStdDevWindow function will need to be changed to use it, and it hasn't been heavily tested yet.
2020-07-23Add Set and NewImage functions to implement image/draw.Image interfaceNick White
Now the integralimg can be created directly from an image using image/draw.Draw.
2020-07-23Add first testNick White