/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Kurt Jung (Gmail: kurt.w.jung) * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ package gofpdf // Routines in this file are translated from // http://www.fpdf.org/en/script/script97.php type layerType struct { name string visible bool objNum int // object number } type layerRecType struct { list []layerType currentLayer int openLayerPane bool } func (f *Fpdf) layerInit() { f.layer.list = make([]layerType, 0) f.layer.currentLayer = -1 f.layer.openLayerPane = false } // AddLayer defines a layer that can be shown or hidden when the document is // displayed. name specifies the layer name that the document reader will // display in the layer list. visible specifies whether the layer will be // initially visible. The return value is an integer ID that is used in a call // to BeginLayer(). // // Layers are demonstrated in tutorial 26. func (f *Fpdf) AddLayer(name string, visible bool) (layerID int) { layerID = len(f.layer.list) f.layer.list = append(f.layer.list, layerType{name: name, visible: visible}) return } // BeginLayer is called to begin adding content to the specified layer. All // content added to the page between a call to BeginLayer and a call to // EndLayer is added to the layer specified by id. See AddLayer for more // details. func (f *Fpdf) BeginLayer(id int) { f.EndLayer() if id >= 0 && id < len(f.layer.list) { f.outf("/OC /OC%d BDC", id) f.layer.currentLayer = id } } // EndLayer is called to stop adding content to the currently active layer. See // BeginLayer for more details. func (f *Fpdf) EndLayer() { if f.layer.currentLayer >= 0 { f.out("EMC") f.layer.currentLayer = -1 } } // OpenLayerPane advises the document reader to open the layer pane when the // document is initially displayed. func (f *Fpdf) OpenLayerPane() { f.layer.openLayerPane = true } func (f *Fpdf) layerEndDoc() { if len(f.layer.list) > 0 { if f.pdfVersion < "1.5" { f.pdfVersion = "1.5" } } } func (f *Fpdf) layerPutLayers() { for j, l := range f.layer.list { f.newobj() f.layer.list[j].objNum = f.n f.outf("<>", f.textstring(utf8toutf16(l.name))) f.out("endobj") } } func (f *Fpdf) layerPutResourceDict() { if len(f.layer.list) > 0 { f.out("/Properties <<") for j, layer := range f.layer.list { f.outf("/OC%d %d 0 R", j, layer.objNum) } f.out(">>") } } func (f *Fpdf) layerPutCatalog() { if len(f.layer.list) > 0 { onStr := "" offStr := "" for _, layer := range f.layer.list { onStr += sprintf("%d 0 R ", layer.objNum) if !layer.visible { offStr += sprintf("%d 0 R ", layer.objNum) } } f.outf("/OCProperties <>>>", onStr, offStr, onStr) if f.layer.openLayerPane { f.out("/PageMode /UseOC") } } }