# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. # # This is a set of make(1) rules to cross compile rescribe # from Linux to other architectures - as we use Fyne, CGO # is required, so we have to do more to cross compile than # just rely on the standard go tools. It relies on osxcross # being set up for the Mac builds, and mingw-w64 being # installed for the Windows build. # # The standard go tools work perfectly for native builds on # all architectures - note that "go generate" needs to be # run before building to download the dependencies which are # embedded. # For osxcross, there are many versions of the MacOS SDK # that are too old or too new to build Rescribe correctly. # SDK 11.3, as extracted from XCode 12.5.1, seems to work # perfectly for us. OSXCROSSBIN=$(HOME)/src/osxcross/target/bin EMBEDS=embed_darwin.go embed_darwin_amd64.go embed_darwin_arm64.go embed_linux.go embed_windows.go embed_other.go GODEPS=gui.go main.go $(EMBEDS) all: dist/linux/rescribe dist/darwin/rescribe.zip dist/windows/rescribe.exe dist/linux/rescribe: $(GODEPS) go generate mkdir -p dist/linux GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -tags embed -o $@ . build/darwin_amd64/rescribe: $(GODEPS) go generate mkdir -p build/darwin_amd64 PATH="$(PATH):$(OSXCROSSBIN)" CC="o64-clang" CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -tags embed -o $@ . build/darwin_arm64/rescribe: $(GODEPS) go generate mkdir -p build/darwin_arm64 PATH="$(PATH):$(OSXCROSSBIN)" CC="oa64-clang" CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build -tags embed -o $@ . build/darwin/rescribe: build/darwin_amd64/rescribe build/darwin_arm64/rescribe mkdir -p build/darwin PATH="$(PATH):$(OSXCROSSBIN)" lipo -create build/darwin_amd64/rescribe build/darwin_arm64/rescribe -output $@ build/darwin/Rescribe.app: build/darwin/rescribe go install fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne@v2.1.2 fyne package --name Rescribe --exe build/darwin/rescribe --os darwin --icon icon.png mv Rescribe.app $@ dist/darwin/rescribe.zip: build/darwin/Rescribe.app mkdir -p dist/darwin cd build/darwin; zip -r ../../dist/darwin/rescribe.zip Rescribe.app build/windows/rescribe-bin.exe: $(GODEPS) go generate mkdir -p build/windows CC="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -tags embed -o $@ . dist/windows/rescribe.exe: build/windows/rescribe-bin.exe mkdir -p dist/windows CC="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" fyne package --name Rescribe --exe build/windows/rescribe-bin.exe --os windows --icon icon.png mv rescribe.exe $@ clean: rm -rf dist build