package main import ( "errors" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) const usage = `Usage: bookpipeline [-v] [-np] [-nw] [-no] [-na] [-t training] Watches the preprocess, ocr and analyse queues for book names. When one is found this general process is followed: - The book name is hidden from the queue, and a 'heartbeat' is started which keeps it hidden (this will time out after 2 minutes if the program is terminated) - The necessary files from bookname/ are downloaded - The files are processed - The resulting files are uploaded to bookname/ - The heartbeat is stopped - The book name is removed from the queue it was taken from, and added to the next queue for future processing ` const PauseBetweenChecks = 3 * time.Minute const HeartbeatTime = 60 // null writer to enable non-verbose logging to be discarded type NullWriter bool func (w NullWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return len(p), nil } type Clouder interface { Init() error ListObjects(bucket string, prefix string) ([]string, error) Download(bucket string, key string, fn string) error Upload(bucket string, key string, path string) error CheckQueue(url string, timeout int64) (bookpipeline.Qmsg, error) AddToQueue(url string, msg string) error DelFromQueue(url string, handle string) error QueueHeartbeat(msg bookpipeline.Qmsg, qurl string, duration int64) (bookpipeline.Qmsg, error) } type Pipeliner interface { Clouder PreQueueId() string WipeQueueId() string OCRQueueId() string AnalyseQueueId() string WIPStorageId() string GetLogger() *log.Logger } func download(dl chan string, process chan string, conn Pipeliner, dir string, errc chan error, logger *log.Logger) { for key := range dl { fn := filepath.Join(dir, filepath.Base(key)) logger.Println("Downloading", key) err := conn.Download(conn.WIPStorageId(), key, fn) if err != nil { for range dl { } // consume the rest of the receiving channel so it isn't blocked close(process) errc <- err return } process <- fn } close(process) } func up(c chan string, done chan bool, conn Pipeliner, bookname string, errc chan error, logger *log.Logger) { for path := range c { name := filepath.Base(path) key := filepath.Join(bookname, name) logger.Println("Uploading", key) err := conn.Upload(conn.WIPStorageId(), key, path) if err != nil { for range c { } // consume the rest of the receiving channel so it isn't blocked errc <- err return } } done <- true } func preprocess(pre chan string, up chan string, errc chan error, logger *log.Logger) { for path := range pre { logger.Println("Preprocessing", path) done, err := preproc.PreProcMulti(path, []float64{0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5}, "binary", 0, true, 5, 30) if err != nil { for range pre { } // consume the rest of the receiving channel so it isn't blocked close(up) errc <- err return } for _, p := range done { up <- p } } close(up) } func wipe(towipe chan string, up chan string, errc chan error, logger *log.Logger) { for path := range towipe { logger.Println("Wiping", path) s := strings.Split(path, ".") base := strings.Join(s[:len(s)-1], "") outpath := base + "_bin0.0.png" err := preproc.WipeFile(path, outpath, 5, 0.03, 30) if err != nil { for range towipe { } // consume the rest of the receiving channel so it isn't blocked close(up) errc <- err return } up <- outpath } close(up) } func ocr(training string) func(chan string, chan string, chan error, *log.Logger) { return func(toocr chan string, up chan string, errc chan error, logger *log.Logger) { for path := range toocr { logger.Println("OCRing", path) name := strings.Replace(path, ".png", "", 1) cmd := exec.Command("tesseract", "-l", training, path, name, "hocr") err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { for range toocr { } // consume the rest of the receiving channel so it isn't blocked close(up) errc <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error ocring %s: %s", path, err)) return } up <- name + ".hocr" } close(up) } } func analyse(toanalyse chan string, up chan string, errc chan error, logger *log.Logger) { confs := make(map[string][]*bookpipeline.Conf) bestconfs := make(map[string]*bookpipeline.Conf) savedir := "" for path := range toanalyse { if savedir == "" { savedir = filepath.Dir(path) } logger.Println("Calculating confidence for", path) avg, err := hocr.GetAvgConf(path) if err != nil && err.Error() == "No words found" { continue } if err != nil { for range toanalyse { } // consume the rest of the receiving channel so it isn't blocked close(up) errc <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error retreiving confidence for %s: %s", path, err)) return } base := filepath.Base(path) codestart := strings.Index(base, "_bin") name := base[0:codestart] var c bookpipeline.Conf c.Path = path c.Code = base[codestart:] c.Conf = avg confs[name] = append(confs[name], &c) } fn := filepath.Join(savedir, "conf") logger.Println("Saving confidences in file", fn) f, err := os.Create(fn) if err != nil { close(up) errc <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating file %s: %s", fn, err)) return } defer f.Close() logger.Println("Finding best confidence for each page, and saving all confidences") for base, conf := range confs { var best float64 for _, c := range conf { if c.Conf > best { best = c.Conf bestconfs[base] = c } _, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "%s\t%02.f\n", c.Path, c.Conf) if err != nil { close(up) errc <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error writing confidences file: %s", err)) return } } } up <- fn logger.Println("Creating best file listing the best file for each page") fn = filepath.Join(savedir, "best") f, err = os.Create(fn) if err != nil { close(up) errc <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating file %s: %s", fn, err)) return } defer f.Close() for _, conf := range bestconfs { _, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "%s\n", filepath.Base(conf.Path)) } up <- fn logger.Println("Creating graph") fn = filepath.Join(savedir, "graph.png") f, err = os.Create(fn) if err != nil { close(up) errc <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating file %s: %s", fn, err)) return } defer f.Close() err = bookpipeline.Graph(bestconfs, filepath.Base(savedir), f) if err != nil { close(up) errc <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error rendering graph: %s", err)) return } up <- fn close(up) } func heartbeat(conn Pipeliner, t *time.Ticker, msg bookpipeline.Qmsg, queue string, msgc chan bookpipeline.Qmsg, errc chan error) { currentmsg := msg for range t.C { m, err := conn.QueueHeartbeat(currentmsg, queue, HeartbeatTime*2) if err != nil { // TODO: would be better to ensure this error stops any running // processes, as they will ultimately fail in the case of // it. could do this by setting a global variable that // processes check each time they loop. errc <- err t.Stop() return } if m.Id != "" { conn.GetLogger().Println("Replaced message handle as visibilitytimeout limit was reached") currentmsg = m // TODO: maybe handle communicating new msg more gracefully than this for range msgc { } // throw away any old msgc msgc <- m } } } func processBook(msg bookpipeline.Qmsg, conn Pipeliner, process func(chan string, chan string, chan error, *log.Logger), match *regexp.Regexp, fromQueue string, toQueue string) error { dl := make(chan string) msgc := make(chan bookpipeline.Qmsg) processc := make(chan string) upc := make(chan string) done := make(chan bool) errc := make(chan error) bookname := msg.Body d := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), bookname) err := os.MkdirAll(d, 0755) if err != nil { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create directory %s: %s", d, err)) } t := time.NewTicker(HeartbeatTime * time.Second) go heartbeat(conn, t, msg, fromQueue, msgc, errc) // these functions will do their jobs when their channels have data go download(dl, processc, conn, d, errc, conn.GetLogger()) go process(processc, upc, errc, conn.GetLogger()) go up(upc, done, conn, bookname, errc, conn.GetLogger()) conn.GetLogger().Println("Getting list of objects to download") objs, err := conn.ListObjects(conn.WIPStorageId(), bookname) if err != nil { t.Stop() _ = os.RemoveAll(d) return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get list of files for book %s: %s", bookname, err)) } var todl []string for _, n := range objs { if !match.MatchString(n) { conn.GetLogger().Println("Skipping item that doesn't match target", n) continue } todl = append(todl, n) } for _, a := range todl { dl <- a } close(dl) // wait for either the done or errc channel to be sent to select { case err = <-errc: t.Stop() _ = os.RemoveAll(d) return err case <-done: } if toQueue != "" { conn.GetLogger().Println("Sending", bookname, "to queue", toQueue) err = conn.AddToQueue(toQueue, bookname) if err != nil { t.Stop() _ = os.RemoveAll(d) return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error adding to queue %s: %s", bookname, err)) } } t.Stop() // check whether we're using a newer msg handle select { case m, ok := <-msgc: if ok { msg = m conn.GetLogger().Println("Using new message handle to delete message from old queue") } default: conn.GetLogger().Println("Using original message handle to delete message from old queue") } conn.GetLogger().Println("Deleting original message from queue", fromQueue) err = conn.DelFromQueue(fromQueue, msg.Handle) if err != nil { _ = os.RemoveAll(d) return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error deleting message from queue: %s", err)) } err = os.RemoveAll(d) if err != nil { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to remove directory %s: %s", d, err)) } return nil } func main() { verbose := flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose") training := flag.String("t", "rescribealphav5", "tesseract training file to use") nopreproc := flag.Bool("np", false, "disable preprocessing") nowipe := flag.Bool("nw", false, "disable wipeonly") noocr := flag.Bool("no", false, "disable ocr") noanalyse := flag.Bool("na", false, "disable analysis") flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), usage) flag.PrintDefaults() } flag.Parse() var verboselog *log.Logger if *verbose { verboselog = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0) } else { var n NullWriter verboselog = log.New(n, "", 0) } origPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9]{4}.jpg$`) wipePattern := regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9]{4,6}(.bin)?.png$`) preprocessedPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`_bin[0-9].[0-9].png$`) ocredPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`.hocr$`) var conn Pipeliner conn = &bookpipeline.AwsConn{Region: "eu-west-2", Logger: verboselog} verboselog.Println("Setting up AWS session") err := conn.Init() if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Error setting up cloud connection:", err) } verboselog.Println("Finished setting up AWS session") var checkPreQueue <-chan time.Time var checkWipeQueue <-chan time.Time var checkOCRQueue <-chan time.Time var checkAnalyseQueue <-chan time.Time if !*nopreproc { checkPreQueue = time.After(0) } if !*nowipe { checkWipeQueue = time.After(0) } if !*noocr { checkOCRQueue = time.After(0) } if !*noanalyse { checkAnalyseQueue = time.After(0) } for { select { case <-checkPreQueue: msg, err := conn.CheckQueue(conn.PreQueueId(), HeartbeatTime*2) checkPreQueue = time.After(PauseBetweenChecks) if err != nil { log.Println("Error checking preprocess queue", err) continue } if msg.Handle == "" { verboselog.Println("No message received on preprocess queue, sleeping") continue } verboselog.Println("Message received on preprocess queue, processing", msg.Body) err = processBook(msg, conn, preprocess, origPattern, conn.PreQueueId(), conn.OCRQueueId()) if err != nil { log.Println("Error during preprocess", err) } case <-checkWipeQueue: msg, err := conn.CheckQueue(conn.WipeQueueId(), HeartbeatTime*2) checkWipeQueue = time.After(PauseBetweenChecks) if err != nil { log.Println("Error checking wipeonly queue", err) continue } if msg.Handle == "" { verboselog.Println("No message received on wipeonly queue, sleeping") continue } verboselog.Println("Message received on wipeonly queue, processing", msg.Body) err = processBook(msg, conn, wipe, wipePattern, conn.WipeQueueId(), conn.OCRQueueId()) if err != nil { log.Println("Error during wipe", err) } case <-checkOCRQueue: msg, err := conn.CheckQueue(conn.OCRQueueId(), HeartbeatTime*2) checkOCRQueue = time.After(PauseBetweenChecks) if err != nil { log.Println("Error checking OCR queue", err) continue } if msg.Handle == "" { verboselog.Println("No message received on OCR queue, sleeping") continue } verboselog.Println("Message received on OCR queue, processing", msg.Body) err = processBook(msg, conn, ocr(*training), preprocessedPattern, conn.OCRQueueId(), conn.AnalyseQueueId()) if err != nil { log.Println("Error during OCR process", err) } case <-checkAnalyseQueue: msg, err := conn.CheckQueue(conn.AnalyseQueueId(), HeartbeatTime*2) checkAnalyseQueue = time.After(PauseBetweenChecks) if err != nil { log.Println("Error checking analyse queue", err) continue } if msg.Handle == "" { verboselog.Println("No message received on analyse queue, sleeping") continue } verboselog.Println("Message received on analyse queue, processing", msg.Body) err = processBook(msg, conn, analyse, ocredPattern, conn.AnalyseQueueId(), "") if err != nil { log.Println("Error during analysis", err) } } } }