# rescribe.xyz/bookpipeline package This package contains various tools and functions for the OCR of books, with a focus on distributed OCR using short-lived virtual servers. This is a Go package, and can be installed in the standard go way, by running `go get rescribe.xyz/bookpipeline/...` ## Commands The commands in the cmd/ directory are at the heart of this package. For more details on their usage, use `go doc` or read doc.go in the package repository. The key commands for the virtual server side are: - bookpipeline : processes items from queues, doing preprocessing, ocr and postprocessing, and moving items on to the next queue step on completion. this is the core command of the package. - booktopipeline : uploads a book to the pipeline and adds it to the appropriate queue. - getpipelinebook : downloads the pipeline results for a book. - lspipeline : prints useful information about the status of the pipeline. - mkpipeline : sets up storage buckets and queues for use by the pipeline. - spotme : starts up a short-lived virtual server running bookpipeline. There are also some commands which are more useful in a standalone setting: - confgraph : creates a graph showing average word confidence of each page of hOCR in a directory - pagegraph : creates a graph showing average confidence of each word in a page of hOCR - pdfbook : creates a searchable PDF from a directory of hOCR and image files ## Contributions Any and all comments, bug reports, patches or pull requests would be very welcomely received. Please email them to <nick@rescribe.xyz>. ## License This package is licensed under the GPLv3. See the LICENSE file for more details.