# rescribe.xyz/bookpipeline package This package contains various tools and functions for the OCR of books, with a focus on distributed OCR using short-lived virtual servers. This is a Go package, and can be installed in the standard go way, by running `go get rescribe.xyz/bookpipeline/...` and documentation can be read with the `go doc` command or online at <https://pkg.go.dev/rescribe.xyz/bookpipeline>. If you just want to install and use the commands, you can get the package with `git clone https://git.rescribe.xyz/bookpipeline`, and then install them with `go install ./...` from within the `bookpipeline` directory. ## Commands The commands in the cmd/ directory are at the heart of this package. For more details on their usage, use `go doc` or read doc.go in the package repository. The key commands for the virtual server side are: - bookpipeline : processes items from queues, doing preprocessing, ocr and postprocessing, and moving items on to the next queue step on completion. this is the core command of the package. - booktopipeline : uploads a book to the pipeline and adds it to the appropriate queue. - getpipelinebook : downloads the pipeline results for a book. - lspipeline : prints useful information about the status of the pipeline. - mkpipeline : sets up storage buckets and queues for use by the pipeline. - spotme : starts up a short-lived virtual server running bookpipeline. There are also some commands which are more useful in a standalone setting: - confgraph : creates a graph showing average word confidence of each page of hOCR in a directory - pagegraph : creates a graph showing average confidence of each word in a page of hOCR - pdfbook : creates a searchable PDF from a directory of hOCR and image files ## Rescribe tool for local operation While bookpipeline was built with cloud based operation in mind, there is also a local mode that can be used to run OCR jobs from a single computer, with all the benefits of preprocessing, choosing the best threshold for each image, graph creation, PDF creation, and so on that the pipeline provides. Several of the commands accept a `-c local` flag for local operation, but now there is also a new command, named `rescribe`, that is designed to make things much simpler for people just wanting to do some OCR on their local computer. More information about this, including links to prebuilt executables, can be found on our blog at <https://blog.rescribe.xyz/posts/desktop-tool/>. ## Contributions Any and all comments, bug reports, patches or pull requests would be very welcomely received. Please email them to <nick@rescribe.xyz>. ## License This package is licensed under the GPLv3. See the LICENSE file for more details.