--- # Installs tesseract - name: Install tesseract dependencies apt: state: present name: - g++ - git - libjpeg62-turbo-dev - libpng-dev - libtiff-dev - make - zlib1g-dev - name: Install tesseract training dependencies apt: state: present name: - libcairo2-dev - libicu-dev - libpango1.0-dev - name: Clone tesseract repository git: repo: https://github.com/nickjwhite/tesseract dest: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/src/tesseract version: amibuild depth: 1 become: no register: tessclone - name: Build tesseract and training tools command: make all training args: chdir=/home/{{ ansible_user }}/src/tesseract/simplemake become: no when: tessclone.changed - name: Install tesseract and training tools command: make install install-training args: chdir=/home/{{ ansible_user }}/src/tesseract/simplemake when: tessclone.changed notify: update ld.so